Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Licences & Lings

Well all licences are due and available at PRO.Also starting April 1st all local areas will be open for prawns,and starting May 1st lingcod and rock cod will re-open... Boat-Launch Well hope you enjoyed using the launch for two days because,it will be closed again for weeks..This is simply unacceptable,so if you would like to maybe make a difference email me at pro@proutdoors .com..hopefully there is strenghth in numbers and we can work together to more openings..I have seen no reason in the last few weeks to keep it closed as i drive buy this area everyday.If you dont agree with the closure have your voice heard at city hall,the squeeky whell gets the grease i have found in powell river,being nice simply doesn't work.... Just Landed John & Torger just landed a 21bl chinook @Iron Mines Ghreen Ghost 180'....Sam Out

Monday, March 21, 2011

Breaking News

Well we are going to have an opening at the Westview boat launch for two days.Saturday and Sunday March 26&27.For now it will be these to days,going forward the contarctors and The City will monitor the situation for safety and re-open if possible.
April 1st all areas will re-open for prawning so get your gear ready,if you need gear stop by P.R.O. for a great deal...Sam Out.....

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Freshwater reg's now in...

The new freshwater regulations are now in at P.R.O. and there are major changes regarding rainbow trout retention in Lois ans Khartoum lakes.Basically if the rainbows are missing there adipose fin you are able to retain 4..This is for rainbow's only, the same regs remain for the native Cutthroat...This will take effect April 1st,stop by P.R.O. and pick up a copy of the new regs...Sam Out..