Well in the last three weeks i have been fishing in Tahsis,Winter Harbour and of course Powell River.Little did i know Powell River would give me one of my scariest moments on the water.
Tahsis - This was my first time to Tahsis and I would recommend it to anybody.What I was surprised by was how close it turned out to be from Powell River.Also the fact that there is plenty of water to fish if the weather is to rough on the outside.The fishing in late May was slower however we managed a nice Halibut some Chinook Salmon and of Course all kinds of Bottom fish.The Top Jig turned out to be the Hiro Lure Catching a nice halibut in 50' of water.If you would like a nice west coast trip,close to Powell River check out Tahsis,we stayed at Westview Marina a great palce.
Winter Harbour -I just returned from Winter Harbour this past weekend June 13.The fishing was steady especially for Bottom fish and Halibut.Three of us managed to limit out on Halibut and of course catch endless amounts of bottom fish.We also caught 8 nice Chinooks and of course lost the biggest Halibut at the boat.If you plan on heading to either of the above mentioned places stop by P.R.O. FOR A LOOK AT THE HOT-LURES.
Powell River -I purchased a new boat receently and had been out three times and each time picking up nice Salmon.We decided to head to Okeover for a weekend trip." Dad lets get some live shiners for Ling Cod and put them in the live well of the boat" "great idea Nico get r done" With that we had the livewell full of shiners in no time,so off we went towards Kinghorn Island.Of course with livewells they need circulation so by hitting the livewell switch this introduces water into the livewell tank and the overflow goes through a through hull fitting.Well this is all good providing your livewell tank is totally sealed.Well during the trip out of Okeover I kept on turning the switch on for the livewell to give the fish more water and air.Little did i know the tank was not sealed propery at the factory causing the excess water to spill into the bilge.It is not something you can hear and the only thing that would have detected this is an automatic float switch and this boat did not have one."Dad how come there is water buy the scuppers at my feet"Cole said.I had one look and immediatley lifted the hatch to the inboard motor and you can imagine what i thaught when i saw 4-6 inches of water below the engine.At this point we have no idea where the water is coming from but the only thing i had done differently than the last three trips was use the livewell.Still at this point who Knows where the water is coming from."Comox Coastgurd P.R.O. we are taking on water we are in no immediate danger but please stand buy"This was the the second thing i did after turning on the bilge pump and giving everybody on board instructions on lifejackets and getting all the gear out of the water.To there credit everybody(mostly kids)did exactly what they were told.With the bilge pump working hard the water started to receed and soon all the water was out.By this time the Costguard who was in the area had showed up aswell as a few other boats who heard the call.They made sure we werer o.k. and went on there way.Thanks to all who came to assist.It is a good idea to practice emergency scenarios especially with kids just in case you have an emergency on the water.The key is however scary it is to stay calm and of cousre have all the saftey equipment nessesary for any kind of an emergency.So there you have it it has been a busy couple weeks and Nico next time we use dead shiners.Sam Out
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